MovieChat Forums > Boy Meets World (1993) Discussion > Jack's change in attitude in Season 7

Jack's change in attitude in Season 7

Ok what happened to Jack? When he first showed up in Season 5 he was a down to earth guy that didn't seemed spoiled or stuck up, he came from a rich upbringing but he seemed like a normal guy, very humble and dressed like a regular guy no expensive clothing or anything.

Then in Season 7 he drastically changes, suddenly he's all muscular, hair spiked out and gelled up, wearing tight shirts, constantly bragging about his 6% body fat and his expensive haircuts. Really acting like a spoiled rich kid all of a sudden even though Jack from Season 5 seemed like a hard working guy who was never spoiled and worked for what he wanted.

Jack from Season 7 acted like a spoiled rich douche bag that came from jersey.

Thats what i love about these high school girls, i get older they stay the same age.


They all turned into huge caricatures. A man who has a ton of other traits, but happens to be from a rich family, as a caricature, IS going to constantly repeat "I'm from a rich family" etc etc.


you mean like how eric went from an average intelligence normal guy to loony toon character?

this is a test


Well, the drop in intelligence itself was simply a change in the character's personality, but when he went from somewhat stupid to Playswith Squirrels (first name Playswith, last name Squirrels), yes, that is a good example of a caricature.
