The episode where Shawn tries to attend college before finishing high sc
I never questioned this show as a kid but as an adult, several years out of college, watching this episode in syndication, this episode makes no sense. You can't just walk into a college classroom and automatically be in that class. What exactly is Shawn's plan here? Yeah, he might be able to fool the prof for a class or two but as soon as the prof (or his grad student teaching assistant) looks to his grade book (or his computer, this series was out at about the time the big computer boom of the 90s came out), he's going to realize there's no "Hunter, Shawn" registered for that class.
Also, Corey calls their senior year their "most important year". All of a student's high school years but it's really the junior year that is the "most important" especially for students applying to college because you apply for admission to college during the fall of your senior year. Junior year grades are the last ones that are on record.
Shawn writes a paper that's "entirely in one sentence"? What exactly have you been doing, Feeney? It's one thing to have a few sentence fragments or run-on sentences but how does a student get to his senior year not knowing how to write a simple paper?