Rachel was a bitch. is it my firey hair? is it my height?
Topanga was not a bitch but bitchy in season 7. who bases their lives on what their parents do? [nerds] her parents break up [because the dad was doing what many men often do -- chase skirt] and they chose not to tell Topanga because her wedding was coming up and they didn't want to spoil it or Topanga's mood? then she finds out anyway? what? why bother?
is cory a control freak? kind of and I can see why you would say that. but his entire family is a little off... Eric started out fine... average to above average grades and school performance and then idk, but he was so kooky [and fun] that even his parents would sneak off pennbrook campus before he got wind they were there?
and then the show gets rid of the cutest and funniest little girl many of us have ever seen and replace her with a skank in the making, and a bitch already made.
then they have another kid [fine] but then the kid is born crazy early and obviously has all sorts of development problems [played by the same I see dead people kid as when cory and Topanga move in to the married dorms.
why the hell didn't cory OR Topanga square away somewhere to live before they even married? and still, why didn't anyone even bring up 'so when you get married, where you gonna hang you hat?'
ps: I am a female and although I like women's empowerment, I still appreciate men holding open doors for me.
Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.