Sci-Fi or soap?
It's been decades since I saw this show the last time, so I decided to give it another chance. Maybe I missed something back then, perhaps there's something good about it after all. So let's see.
I've been watching season one for awhile now, and so far, I haven't seen much of 'science fiction', but I have seen a lot of typical 'TV drama' crap that makes me groan and cringe at the same time. So far, there has been episodes about:
- Monster of the week
- Hospital drama (typical 'kid might die if their parents' get their religious way')
- Detective story
- 'A human gets superpowers and turns into a God in the end' (sigh)
(and for some reason, this same human/God doesn't come back to help when there's a war against shadows)
- Romantic drama number 1, 2, 3 and so on (with typical 'betrayal' crap)
Where's my plot advance 'foreshadowing' and 'science fiction' stuff? Just because the surrounding is in space and they use 'blasters' instead of guns, doesn't mean it's automatically the best science fiction.
Give me something I can use and I haven't seen before. Even TNG beats this soap opera trash in science fiction front. At least they had the gall to have super surreal episodes and actual grand, 'cosmic ideas', space exploration, otherplanetary visitations, etc.
All we get is Sinclair's girlfriend and Londo's girlfriend and political crap and hospital drama. Who the heck finds this entertaining, when you've seen it all so many times in other TV shows and soap operas?
Give me proper science fiction, please!
Oh well, if I remember correctly, the later seasons become a bit more interesting, entertaining and streamlined, but season one seems to be just very boring cringefest with all the typical 'will they strike or not', 'will they operate on the sick kid or not', 'will they hook up or not', etc.
The only interesting episode so far was the one with the memory probe stuff, but even that was so predictable and didn't really reveal anything that interesting. I wonder why they made season one so boring, you'd think the first season should be most interesting to draw in people, THEN it could become a bit more boring (but hopefully PURPOSEFULLY, not for the sake of these soap/romance/politics-episodes).
So far, it seems like I am just watching a predictable soap opera in space, some episodes almost feel like I am watching the Star Wars prequels with all this 'boring, prolonged negotiations with workers that want to strike' stuff.