Right, again if I remember correctly, it's an escalation between the two of them. Starting with the semi fight at Michael's club. Concluding with the drug bust. In between you have Pete at the school, and the beer afterwards with Karen. You have the jack on the tire and the parking tickets business. You have the scene on the hill when Pete puts a gun in Mike's mouth. You have the bedroom scene after Pete trips the alarm. You have Pete killing his partner. You have Michael making the formal complaint. Yeah, that's all I can remember - don't quite remember the order of the events though. What makes the most sense to me is what I said previously. Michael dooms himself. Pete might have just walked away if Michael had simply let him stay at the grand opening. He could have just let him stay and left it at that. Instead he humiliates Pete. Then the payoff attempt, the formal complaint. Its almost as if Pete goes after Karen just to stick it to Michael, ahahahah