Hitting someone...
...in the head with a frying pan, hard enough to knock them straight off their feet and to the floor, would surely give them brain damage? (Not that Michael had a brain to begin with, but that's another story).
share...in the head with a frying pan, hard enough to knock them straight off their feet and to the floor, would surely give them brain damage? (Not that Michael had a brain to begin with, but that's another story).
It's a movie, so I let it slide. But that scene always made me go "ow". It seems pretty realistic (aside from the fact that Michael lived, lol).
My movie review site!
But Pete did have a brain? A completely delusional psycho loser?
I'm happiest...in the saddle.
It was a very light pan, pretty much the hollow plastic type. Also, he caught a very glancing blow.
When Pete got slammed into the glass cabinets, I'm surprised he didn't catch anything in his eyes, enough to completely incompacitate him.
Not to mention the horrific crotch shot that Pete takes near the end....with almost no visible reaction to it!
I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.
Well, if there’s nothing in the crotch in the first place . . . Remember Pete’s (I am not going to call him Peter!) “misfire” (as in Queen’s song, Don’t You Misfire) with the blonde bimbette earlier in the film, where she sympathetically suggested that he might be more comfortable in a motel and he sadistically threw her out of his car in a bad neighborhood she didn’t even know? Pete needed some Male Enhancement.