This movie pisses me off!!!
I did not feel bad for the Kurt Russell character getting framed. He deserved it for being such a complete idiot! He listens to his idiot lawyer who tells him to pay off the cop, then he meets with him alone, not even one witness or someone to back him up! This is a crazy cop with a gun who he is confronting! Then he acts apologetic when he is talking to him! This cop just watched him in bed with his wife and he is apologizing to him? Have some self respect and some for your wife!
And how was the Ray Liotta character able to pull everything off! It seems like he controlled everything. The credit card companies, traffic enforcement, the legal system. He can even visit Russell in jail and torment him without anyone questioning why he is there. I know that some of this stuff could theoretically happen, but you also need a complete boob like Russell to let it happen.
And what's up with the wife? It seems like she gets off on having two guys fighting over her. Why the hell would she have coffee with the cop and then share intimate secrets about her marriage? It felt like she was baiting Russell and like the idiot that his character was, he fell for it. This could have all been nipped in the bud early on, but then we wouldn't have this movie that so many seem to enjoy.