How Unforgiven Ended The Western (Temporarily)
shareHere's an idea... if you want to say something then say it don't just drop a link to a youtube site to fish for views.
shareAssuming he's not trolling for views, he could watch the video and paraphrase the main points. We can then decided whether to follow the link or not.
In the meantime, I'm not watching.
He could, but the fact that he didn't even bother to do that tells me he is just fishing for views, and when someone is doing that you can pretty much bet on their youtube content being garbage.
shareI guess that means that my name is really Jack!
shareI don't know what you name is and don't care. I just get annoyed when someone creates a post simply to try and drive views on their youtube channel. You have something meaningful to say, then say it where don't just drop links it is as bad as the loser that post they made 5000 dollars from home and then pasting a link hoping for idiots dumb enough to click on the link.
shareBut it's not MY YouTube channel, that's my fucking point! And you must get annoyed over the pettiest of things!
shareMaybe it is your channel, maybe it isn't. I don't know and neither does anyone that sees you pointlessly dropping links. Anyone can use any name they want on a forum or youtube channel so how is anyone ever supposed to know who's talking about their own videos or someone elses when people don't even bother to explain anything about the video they dropped a link to.
shareI totally agree with you. Whenever I see that kind of lame posts, I never even bother to click on the link.
shareWhat kind of stupid assumption is that!? What is there for my to gain by "trolling for viewers" on a site that I don't have any monetary gain from!?
shareWhat kind of stupid assumption is that!? What is there for my to gain by "trolling for viewers" on a site that I don't have any monetary gain from!?
And HAVE YOU watched the video!? Otherwise what's the point in posting it on this very message board if you yourself aren't going to bother watching it!? What the video is about should be at least, partially laid out in the headline, "How Unforgiven Ended The Western (Temporarily)".
Deconstruction: Of Western movies. Munny himself is a Deconstructed Character Archetype of the kinds of characters Clint Eastwood played in the 60s and 70s.
What the video is about should be at least, partially laid out in the headline, "How Unforgiven Ended The Western (Temporarily)".
I watched it! I'll tell you all what was in it so you don't have to click that link.
Unforgiven was a soft remake of Wizard of Oz. Each character had some basic elemental thing wrong with them (blind marksman, etc) and they travel together seeking salvation. The video also theorizes that the wild gay cocaine parties at each day's end kind of turned off Eastwood so he put a mask on and killed every Western producer he could find in an effort to cauterize the Western genre of this practice. No one was ever able to pin this on Eastwood. One person tried but he ended up dead in a carousel """accident"""
Then Westerns came back but almost entirely Hawaiian cast and mostly on boats way out at sea instead of horses in the desert. The famous "Jungle Western" era followed. Finally it expands on the well known Peru era in which all of the actors keep their mouths open as wide as possible whenever on camera.
There. Spared you all the time/effort.
Thank you!! That's what I'm talking about! Now I want to watch it!!!
You really should be a writer if you aren't already..
In all seriousness, I am not a good video viewer. I'm not. At all. I have a short attention span and bore easily. I hate clicking on what appears to be a news story only to discover that it's a video news story. I can read a lot faster than I can watch, and I can quickly skim a printed news story and immediately know if it's well written and concise. If so, I'll settle down and read it thoroughly.
If I know a video will interest me, then I'll watch it.
Thank you. I'd be a writer if I could make dough off brief, inane rants.
I, too, am frosted by video news ambushes. Videos waste so much time getting to the actual information and then give so little; Catering to the current paint-huffing levels of attention span. I can't even watch modern documentaries anymore due to this (except Planet Earth which keeps a decent stream of info flowing).
This is not to say that I won't watch any video at all. I watch some stuff from Red Letter Media but comedy is a different animal.
Bottom line is that I won't click links. I'll read a summary though. TMC usually gives a little blurb. I respect his activity injecting life into some properties on this site.
Let's see, not everybody has the time or the patience to respond (or provide additional context) to a YouTube video (which is only about 6 minutes long mind you) outside of the commentary section of said video=That must automatically mean that he or she is fishing for views.
shareWell I agree with other in that I would never click on a link on any website that did not give some indication as to what it contained. And your thread title was far too vague.
I know people who review movies on their own YouTube channels and then post a link saying "check out my review of X movie". Not going to happen. Paste the review...if I like it I may check out the channel. But I will never blindly click on a link just because someone wants hits on their channel/website.
Of course.
sharesecond that
only lazy and stupid people cannot express what interests them in a video or web page.
I don't even mind if you were fishing. I enjoyed the video. Thanks.