Ronette's flashback of BOB killing Laura is not only my pick for the best scene in Twin Peaks but probably my all time favorite scene in anything David Lynch ever directed, and he did direct that episode ("May The Giant Be With You," episode 8). The shot that really gets me is the sudden "whack!" sound effect right when zooming in on the (darkened) train car, with the green Satanic fire bubbling in the window so that you realize right away what you're about to see, the central event in the entire show, although it's distorted through Ronette's memory (after all, she doesn't visualize herself in the train car.) Laura's screaming face is horrifying, the flashing lights are horrifying, the shots of Bob stabbing are horrifying, the hideous "THUCK!!!" sound effect of stabs are horrifying, the shot of Laura dead is horrifying, and the shot of the "FIRE WALK WITH ME" note with flashing lights is terrifying, and then BOB screaming.
I still to this day can't believe it got past the censors!!! In 1990?!? Granted, it's not like we see the knife going in or anything (didn't see that in FWWM either, though)
Then they showed you the real thing in FWWM, after all that time. Still pretty horrifying, not only due to the flashing lights but Badalamenti's creepy music, which you can hear isolated right here:
I've never been able to get the image of the train car out of my head--we only see it three times in the entire show/movie, but they're my three favorite TP scenes--the murder, the flashback to the murder, and (from the best episode, the pilot), Cooper and Truman investigating the murder scene. (I mistakenly thought when I first watched the show that Laura had been killed with that bloody hammer we saw laying around.)
I think I've gone back and watched the Youtube clips of these scenes about thirty times apiece now. They're really damn well done!!!