MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992) Discussion > Can I watch this without finishing the s...

Can I watch this without finishing the series first?

As a huge Lynch fan, I really want to watch this movie. It's the only Lynch film I haven't seen yet. However, I'm not convinced I'll ever get around to watching the series. I watched the Twin Peaks pilot. It was OK. Can I just skip straight ahead to the movie? Unfortunately the murderer has already been spoilt for me - so there are no spoiler issues. My friend has only seen season one of the series, and he said Fire Walk With Me was brilliant, and works as a standalone film.


Honestly, while not ideal, you can. Will you understand it or appreciate it as you would otherwise? I suppose that'd debatable.

16 years ago I bought the pilot on VHS, and couldn't afford to buy the actual series as it was over $100 on VHS. So I decided to buy the prequel movie. It spoils the mystery, which it sounds like already happened to you anyway.

If you are already a fan of Lynch films, the prequel should be accessible, and if you enjoyed the pilot movie, you should enjoy this as well. But know that the enjoyment will come from watching the whole series. Of course, there are also the people who hated it after watching the full series, because of all the cliffhangers from the series.

Regardless it remains my favorite Lynch film hands down. But know that you'll be confused as *beep* and just accept it.


The first part of the movie kinda plays out like a very compressed and twisted version of the show, in a different town pre-Peaks, and you've seen the trippy stuff in his next movies so it may work for you.


If you're a huge Lynch fan, you should really find a way to watch the TV series! It really is a great achievement for him overall and just in the episodes he directed. If it helps, it's available to stream on Netflix right now in full.


I think Fire Walk With Me can be appreciated two ways: as a standalone psychological horror film or as a culmination of the Twin Peaks saga (even though it takes place chronologically before the series - well, mostly).

If you go the first approach, there are things that won't make sense but it really does work on its own terms despite what so many Twin Peaks fans say about it being impossible to appreciate without the series context. That seems true as a Peaks fan, because you're noticing all the connections to the series, but most of those connections are actually kind of tangential to the story being told. When I first saw the movie (after the series) it blew me away and if anything, I wished it had been LESS tied to the series. It seems to be going for something very, very different. The #1 reason to see the film last, of course, is that it spoils the mystery of the show. Irrelevant in this case.

On the other hand, one of the most powerful aspects of the film on first viewing was that I already "knew" Laura Palmer from a distance, based on fleeting images, what people had said about her, and the facts we learned during her murder investigation. Thus actually getting to see her "in the flesh" was really startling and exciting. Honestly, though, the performance is so good and the Laura we learn about on film is so much deeper and more complex than in the series, that after a while I forgot what I knew about TV Laura and was totally absorbed in the Laura onscreen. I've also heard series fans complain that the Laura of their imagination was more interesting. I don't get that, honestly. FWWM's Laura is to me much richer than the surface picture of mythical homecoming queen/drug addict stereotype would have suggested.

Anyway, I DO like to see FWWM as the culmination of the whole Twin Peaks saga now, and the reason is the newly-released deleted scenes, which Lynch restored and assembled as a kind of standalone feature, very much to be considered as "part" of the Twin Peaks story and not just cutting room cast-offs. Most of these scenes don't require context from the film (which is partly why they were cut; they just seemed irrelevant to the overall story even though they often work quite nicely on their own). I suspect that even for people new to Twin Peaks, they would work as a bridge between the series and the film, a way to get closer to Laura while retaining some of the community focus from the show. A few of the early FBI sequences don't work as well as the later Laura stuff, but most of the "Missing Pieces" revolve around Laura.

So, yeah, my recommendation is - if you just don't think you're going to get around to the series any time soon - go ahead and watch the movie on its own. From everything I've heard, it works fine that way. BUT if you are going to watch the series first, and you have access to blu-ray (the only way to acquire the deleted footage right now) consider renting & watching the Missing Pieces between the series and the film. They aren't very spoiler-y, they are a great moody transition between the worlds of series and film, and watching them this way also retains FWWM's punch as the very end of the saga. When you see them all this way, you'll see why the final image of the film should end any experience of the whole Twin Peaks narrative: it brings things full circle but in a very unusual way.

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"The Straight Story has something to do with the White Lodge".


"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


If you can't give Twin Peaks a chance then you're no Lynch fan. Get it together and watch the show. In answer to your question no you can NOT watch this without watching the show. Even by Lynch standards it won't make any sense.


The perfect order for watching Twin Peaks and related works would be as follows:

Blue Velvet
Wild at Heart
"Floating in the Night" album by Julee Cruise
Twin Peaks (Seasons 1 and 2)
Twin Peaks: The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer book
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (extended cut)
Lost Highway
Mulholland Dr.
new Twin Peaks book coming out in 2015
Twin Peaks (season 3)
