But, is the only reason he's destined to spend time in the lodge, is because hes already stuck there?
That's the real mystery, isn't it? This is probably what I would choose to discuss with Lynch, if he were inclined to speak off the record.
We get pretty solid answers regarding the significance of Laura Palmer in all this throughout the series and FWWM. But we have no idea why the Lodge residents are so interested in Cooper. He does seem to be significant to their designs, and it's pretty unsatisfying to think that the answer is, "They want him in the Lodge because he's already in the Lodge."
The Lodge's residents do appear to have free will -- their actions are not pre-destined -- because we see them get frustrated at times when they don't get exactly what they want, and they also sometimes disagree with each other. BOB really does seem to want to inhabit Laura, first and foremost, and he fails at that. So just for that reason, I'm inclined to think that there were possible actions Cooper could have taken to avoid his fate, and that ultimately he's responsible for his own imprisonment, by running off half-cocked after Annie and offering his soul to Windom Earle.