David Lynch, fan of Hollywood Babylon
Made the story of "Twin Peaks" about Judy Garland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbu_yf-U1WI. As with "Mulholland Dr.", Lynch is telling a story about Satanic Ritual Abuse cults and the Hollywood Illuminati. Of course, this is not completely black and white, and "Twin Peaks" touches on other themes with the material that is more universal to the viewer than specific to Hollywood, but it's there, and it's a big part of the story. Or, at least, it was made to be at some point prior to Fire Walk With Me.
Just haven't seen this mentioned in all the "Judy?" topics... of course, there are always connections made with Judy Garland, but most of those don't go past being mere references to "the Wizard of Oz", while there is deeper ground to tread regarding both reality and David Lynch's interests. Crudely, we can call "Twin Peaks" the secret story of Judy Garland, just as we can call "Mulholland Dr." the secret story of Marilyn Monroe, both as envisioned by David Lynch, the man who likes to remember things the way he remembers them, not exactly the way they happened.
Today is the day to say I love you to your best friend - chinese proverb