Diane, the sister

Gawddd, she is so unbearably, insufferably obnoxious in this movie!!! So rude and bitchy, grrr! If I was her little brother, I wouldn't have hosed her away when she was cheering in the backyard lol!

I'm watching it now on Starz, right on the part when they're cartoons! Love it!!! :)

My $0.02.


watching it here too...

QUOTE: That's not Heartburn, it's Herpes.


Not only that, but she was a terrible actress. Just checked out her profile page on here, though, and see that not only has she been in a ton of different things, but she ended up being a hottie. Never would've guessed.

"Stwike him, Centuwion ... vewy Wuffwy!"


The cartoon part is funny, but this is mostly a dumb sitcom. It was released in the late summer, not screened for critics, knowing this would be a bomb.


What do critics know? They blasted Sister Act which is one of the funniest classic movies made. I never listen to critics. Over half the time, I have to wonder if they've even bothered to WATCH the movie they're supposed to be "critiquing" or if they're just judging it based off the little blurb of information they're given on it.


I agree Diane was totally unlikable and she got on my nerves, I agree the actress who played her was mediocre, I felt bad for Darryl because he seemed like a nice kid with a good heart and mindset.
