Do You Think Pink Got Away?
Thing is I do, even though his Wikipage & many of you here state he was arrested at the scene. Wiki is user/fan generated so I’m not taking that as gospel. Reason I don’t think he got busted is the cops staking out the place had to wait until Joe showed up in order to move in. Even then it’s not clear how long they felt they had to wait, but in between when everyone got killed in the standoff & Pink taking the diamonds & leaving the warehouse only a few minutes after that when Larry finds out Mr. Orange was a rat that we start to hear the police sirens signaling the cops starting to advance on the warehouse.
So yeah I believe he had time to leave & even if he was seen leaving I just think the police played it cool & didn’t chase him because Cabot was by far the bigger prize & who they really wanted to nail. If you were them & had seen Pink leave, you would’ve said to yourself “Ok this guy is splitting but we know he’s not Cabot & we know that everyone else besides him is still in the warehouse soooo” But you may find all of this implausible but I like to think that Pink got away. Any of you agree?