Book or Movie

Personally I prefered the book. I love all of Bryce Courtenay's work that i have read so far. Possibly after reading the book, and it's follow up novel Tandia, I was dissapointed with the end of the movie, since it is nothing like the book, Maybe if I had watched the movie first, things may have differed. Any opinions on this?


The book wins, hands down. I couldn't believe that Courtenay was associated with the movie.

I liked the movie for its depiction of Africa--the country and its people. I wondered how they would do the singing portions of the story--that was tied for best part.

There were too many unnecessary changes to the book. Why was Maria in the movie? Why did they change Doc?

I know books and movies are completely different, but....



Sliat_1981, You seemed to have missed alot of greater points of the book.

You had no problem reading about the constant racial superioty of white africa, the brutal violence and bigotry that was subjected to black africans, but the two ro three pages that talked about masturbation was a problem? .... Insane.

The boys actually commented on him being circumcised, not uncircumcised, white Afrikaneers tend to be uncut. The point about PK being circumcised was used in a way to further show his alienation from the other boys, and that even physically he was different and couldn't hide.

The "fat lady on the train" chapter was a great chapter IMO. It was his first real interaction with people that didn't judge or condemn him, and her death was touching. Bryce writes amazing characters that have alot of personality, and always feel real.

Hymie had been raised as a Jew first and foremost, thats why it was a big deal to him, not to mention at that time being a jew WAS a big deal. It was just after Hitlers death and the end of the war.

To the O.P there is no question, the book is in a whole other league. Bryce Courtney didn't have creative control of the movie, and has expressed before that he hates it, as directors rushed through and changed so many aspects of the book.

The only thing better about the movie is actually being able to hear the african singing.

"Yeah, you know what happens to muthaf-ckas who carry knives. They get shot!"


Call me crazy, I liked the film more. I usually like the book a movie is based on more than the film. Not this time for some reason.

"Screw you guys, I'm going home!"


how did the book end?



either get it from a library or go buy it and find out yourself or are you that lazy? surely its available somewhere online.


There's absolutely no comparison. It might have been good, but following the masterpiece that is the book, the movie seems very disappointing.

"Protection from what? Zee Germans?" -Turkish



I haven't read it yet, the bookstores in my town don't carry it.

-T (Tim)


Always read any book that a movie is based on AFTER you see the movie, mini-series etc. You'll want the extra detail as opposed to being disappointed at what they left out or changed.

Tandia, I LOATHE it and I'm a huge fan of Bryce


I read the book a little while ago and then saw the "movie" afterwards, and you are correct in saying that there is absolutely no comparison between the 2.

First of all, it was based in South Africa, and in the movie, all the actors (except Mr Freeman) had British accents. If they were trying to sound like the rest of the world think South Africans sound when talking, they failed there too!!

There was NO mention in the movie of the hero working on a mine and nearly getting killed, as was in the book. Instead, the bully from his childhood appears as a policeman and continues to harrass him until the hero eventually fights him and wins.

I can go with the movie version of the way Morgan Freeman's character is killed (even though it was VERY different from the book), but the book version might have been a bit rough to show on screen.

Come on!! The book was SO different to this crappy movie that the movie should have had a different name to the book.

I loved the book and HATED the movie.


I agree completely that the book was better. It took me a while to get through the middle part of the book (a little slow) but the end was worth it. The movie is very very different from the book. I thought the relationship with Doc was one of the most important parts of the book and grew Peekay into who he would become. The movie made Doc into such a minor character. And why would you call the boxing gym "Hoppies"? Hoppie was the one that taught Peekay about boxing and got him into it.

The movie just made things happen without explaining any of it (boxing, meeting Doc, getting into Prince of Wales school, starting the African school, etc). I had such high hopes for this movie and it was really disappointing.


There is one thing that puzzles me and since I have not read the book as yet, maybe someone here can answer it for me. The movie starts in 1930 when PK is born yet when he meets Doc he talks about the death of Doc's grandson who was 7, the same age as him. England declared war on Germany in Sept of 1939 which would have made PK 9 and not 7. Was this a goof in the movie or did I miss something?


I started to read the book but then the movie was released and I watched it. i thought it was fantastic! Then I completed the book and the book was even better. I think the fact that I saw the movie first really helped me like it more. Had I read the book first i would have been disappointed with the film.
