100% the book. The movie was great as well, but they switched some events around that kind of annoyed me.
Thoughts on book vs movie (includes some spoilers):
- Jappie Botha a.k.a. the Judge is James Bond, or Daniel Craig, lol. Although the final showdown between PK and Botha happen in different locations from the book and the movie, it was still one of my favorite parts of the story (especially the book's version)
- To bring in a romance to the movie was kind of ridiculous, there was no romance in the book and it was a distraction. Bryce Courtenay was against a romance in the movie, but since the producers insisted, Courtenay insisted the girl be black. Producers went on a rant and won out in the end. One good thing about the Maria character was that she kind of grew on me toward the end, she wasn't as annoying as when she first entered the movie (also wasn't a fan of her hair, but maybe that was supposed to represent a style back in the day in South Africa).
- Doc wanting to go back to Germany after the war...he lived in and loved South Africa for years, I assumed even before the war started, yet he was so gun-ho to leave after the war was over in the movie. I prefer the book version better, the relationship between PK and Doc was so deep that it was unbelievable that he just picked up and left.
- The acting was incredible in the movie, the music was beautiful and the scenery/cinematography was STUNNING. The characters for the most part looked similar to how I imagined them. It's one thing to read the book but another to watch it happen on screen, some parts were disturbing (violence against Africans, Geel Piet eating crap, etc...) I had to turn my head. But I jumped up and cheered when that officer got a spear through him in the end and when Jaapie Botha (the Judge) got shot.
- I was pissed when Gindeon Mandoma lost his eye and got shot in the leg, I was like NOOOOO!!! Doesn't happen in the book, he has to go on to book two in Tandia and continue boxing and fight the oppressive powers and - oh, never mind. I was mad.
- Why didn't they just call PK's best friend from school Hymie? His name was Hymie in the book, it was obvious he was the same character in the movie but they gave him a different name (Morty something)
- A whole bunch of other minor details which I noticed through the movie but cant remember all of now (i.e. the mom dying in the movie, where are Dee and Dum?, although i'm sure their presence wouldn't make since considering his mom is gone)
Overall great movie, but I prefer the book.