4. If you are related to PK or know him, one of three things will happen: (1) you will get in trouble with the law; (2) you will be beaten up; or (3) you will be killed. The only exception to this is if you flee the country the first chance you get.
5. PK has an Indiana Jones outfit he likes to wear when he has some serious thinking to do.
6. If you don't have a date to the senior ball, your dad will set you up with a guy who is just as prejudiced as he is.
7. Your classmates will laugh at you if you get stabbed in the butt with a miniature flag post.
8. Maria's dad can't ruin PK's life. He's been accepted to Oxford.
9. You can get expelled for attending boxing matches.
10. Maria is extraordinary.
11. If it never rains, then life is not perfect.
12. False hope is better than no hope at all.
13. If you have an 8-punch combination, the heavyweight champion of the country will compliment you on it.
14. To be. I am. You are. He is.
15. Justice is only relative as to who is in charge.
16. How long they stay in charge is relative to how they dispense that justice.
17. History takes too long, but it is never kind to those who try to rush it.
41. Little beats big when little is smart, first with the head, and then with the heart.
42. PK doesn't stand for piss kop, it stands for Phillip Peter Kenneth Keith.
42. Written permission is required when one wants to date Maria.
43. Boarding school is rough if you're the only English student.
44. The PK that Doc knows is a lot more than "satisfactory".
45. What do you believe, PK?
46. There's really no need to wait until a 7-year old is awake or prepared to hear bad news. You can just point a flashlight at his bed while he's asleep and announce in a cold voice, "your mother is dead".
47. One eye works just as well as two.
48. 90 pounds is very reasonable.
49. PK's mother, God rest her, was qualified to raise PK.
50. If you allow race mixing in your gym, nothing will happen. However, if you paint on your window a depiction of a black man and white man boxing, someone will burn down your gym within a 24-hour period.
71. Gideon REALLY needed one of those tooth guard things for when he boxed.
72. The moon and the sun cooperate.
73. Seargeant Botha had an awful lot of phlegm.
74. Having a large mural in your office of your family's history will assist in a succinct explanation of why you won't give an English boy permission to date your Afrikana daughter.
75. P.K. considers himself to be a South African.
76. Actually, everyone considers themselves to be South Africans.
77. Separation of things is not coincidental.
78. Nobody wants to see their culture or sense of identity replaced by someone elses.
79. If your opponent can't hit you, they can't hurt you.