MovieChat Forums > Poison Ivy (1992) Discussion > Is this a watchable film?

Is this a watchable film?

Hey just wanted to know if people think this is a watchable film? I myself, think it is extremely watchable. It kinda sucks you in because you want to find out what Ivy is about;- her past and most importantly what she is capable of! Tell me what you guys think.


oh i totally think its watchable..I've watched it several times and each time get caught up..i love it!



i agree jackp



I also agree with you jackp-5. Has any of you seen Poison Ivy 2 with Alyssa Milano? I unfortunately haven't!


I haven't seen Poison Ivy 2, but this film is definitely watchable.



I don't know. Its an average movie and that doesn't mean you should watch it. I know many people that didn't like it at all or made jokes about it and myself can't recommend anybody to spend any mony on it but if you can see it for free, if you are bored, go ahead. The psychological part isn't that great and just a vehicle to give Drew some semi-erotic scenes, which, imho, is the only reason for many people to like this movie. The entire killing part of this movie is totally unrealistic and cheesy and the ending just blows.

Poison Ivy 2, btw, is more of a erotic movie but this time they didn't try to hide it. Alyssa is hot and the se scenes are actually quite good. Just don't exspect any special plotwise, movies like these are just not meant to write movie history.


I think Poison Ivy has an incredible script. So many wonderful original lines and symbolizm that would also make for an excellent book. Plus, I love the early 90's power metal style that Ivy has. Reminds me of the Slaughter/Guns N Roses/Firehouse days (my fave genre of music). Yes, incredibly watchable. My favorite Drew film in fact : ).
