Two Similar Films

Poison Ivy (1992)
Attractive female replaces a dead mother/wife of an invaded family

Wicked (1998) -
Attractive female replaces a dead mother/wife of an invaded family



We assume that a lot of people will see parallels in this film between Ivy and of course Pauline from Lost and Delirious. Horrible Family lives, Love denied and in the end, senseless death.

But while Pauline descended into complete madness, Ivy is aware of what she's doing and desperatedly trying to justify it all. Ivy's actions stem from pain and hurt and a love for someone beyond her reach. This movie isn't another movie of rich and poor, or lesbian love denied, it is rather an examination of the human condition.

Neither of the two main characters have an easy life and both struggle to deal with the great difficulties in their life. This is compounded by their lack of popularity and their own negative views on life. Perhaps when people watch this movie, they will feel that this film is in essence just another lesbo movie, but they would fall very short. This is a fine film. To suggest this film is a chance to show Barrymore's assets are false and narrow-minded (that's what Doppelganger is).

Drew Barrymore has made a lot of comedies, funny yet forgettable. This one though with Roseanne and 24's Sara Gilbert is one of her best performance.
We rate it 8/10.

P.S We have never seen wicked but perhaps you might suggest single white woman? After all like Ivy she slept with someone close ot the object of her affection. And she also killed.


I'd also say that The Good Son is another similar movie, only there are two boys (Culkin, Wood). Ivy falls down off the balcony at the end, and whatever Macaulay Culkin's character name was, he falls off the cliff (after his mother drops him). Ivy (Barrymore) also pushes off Sara Gilbert's (forgot her movie name) mom from the balcony.

In God WWE Trust
