What was wrong with the mother?
Did they ever mention what it was she was supposed to be sick with?
shareDid they ever mention what it was she was supposed to be sick with?
Emphysema is a condition in which the walls between the alveoli or air sacs within the lung lose their ability to stretch and recoil. The air sacs become weakened and break. Elasticity of the lung tissue is lost, causing air to be trapped in the air sacs and impairing the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Also, the support of the airways is lost, allowing for airflow obstruction.
Early symptoms include shortness of breath and cough.
Symptoms of emphysema include shortness of breath, cough and a limited exercise tolerance. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis frequently co-exist together to comprise chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD does not include other obstructive lung diseases such as asthma.
Bored rich housewives' disease.
For I am the one who enters your dreams at midnight & departs your dreams at dawn ;)
ok.. my mom has Emphysema and copd disease, and has to take breathing treatments everyday.. but shes not lazy like this woman is.. my mom is always on the go.. so i didnt pity this bored lazy housewife.. god i was glad she died in this movie.. lol