brown cigarettes

Does anyone know what brand of cigarettes those were that Sylvie (Sara Gilbert) was smoking in this movie? They were brown, and I'm assuming imported.
I've only seen brown cigarettes once in my life and they had a sweet taste to the paper and smelled of either cherries or strawberries. If anyone knows what brand these are let me know.

we all go a little mad sometimes



maybe they were blunts man



how much are they? where i can i get them? and finally one of the most important questions!... is one of them vinilla flavored?
plez send me a pack, even tho i don't even smoke....


I'm not a smoker, but cloves ciggaretts are yummy! I have no idea where to get them from though.

It Stays The Same


You can get cloves at head shops

Insubordination Rules!
"Puma-Man: He flies like a moron!"


I smoke these brown cigarettes sometimes. They are 'cigars' and come in cherry, wild berry, exotic berry, vanilla or peach flavors. They are only TWO dollars a pack.


" I'm not a smoker, but cloves ciggaretts are yummy! I have no idea where to get them from though. " ------- I don't smoke at all either ( just my own personal choice not to - healthy ? ) but I remember an interview with LOTR'S Elijah Wood said he smoked those very same cigarettes and he got them somewhere in Asia ( I think he said Malaysia ? It was one of those countries but - I'm not 100 % sure ) . Hope this helped you a bit ladybo454 . Thanks .


Yes, the brand is MORE. They came in regular and menthol. I have no idea if they still make those or not.

"The world cherishes its filth and hates having it disturbed"


They are clove cigarettes, their actual flavor is Djarum Black. Heavy cigarette indeed. Like 10 regular cigarettes in one. I was surprised she was smoking them that much, they hurt after a while!


could have been any
looked like "colts" run tipped cigars
about 11 or 12 in a pack for 14 bucks australian..

i elevate to a meta-state, im aware of my flaws,
but im weary because.. im starin at god.


i think they were smoking a blunt


Cloves can be purchased at head shops like another poster said. I know where I live they're bought at Speacial K (I used to get them there back in my raver days). Now a days you can probably find them relatively cheap online. They're really bad for you.

If you want a vanilla cigarette go with Pink Elephants or buy an e-cig and get vanilla flavored cartridges. Although personally I hated vanilla. I thought oh vanilla that sounds yummy and they ended up being gross. E-cigs have tons of flavors and they're healthier (since it's vapor).

I thought she was smoking Black and Mild's since they were so large. Cloves are skinny like a cigarette.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all
