Ivy's disorder... possible explanation?
Is there any reason she would do all these things, what disorder would she have had to explain her actions? Was she some kind of sociopath, or have a borderline personality disorder?
shareIs there any reason she would do all these things, what disorder would she have had to explain her actions? Was she some kind of sociopath, or have a borderline personality disorder?
shareBad upbringing, and possible mental disorder e.g. bipolar, borderline, sociapathy.
shareYou know what? Ivy MAY have had emotional problems and I did kind of feel bad for her. However, NOTHING justified her shoving the mother when she was standing on the window ledge and then letting her fall to her death!
Ivy DESERVED to die in the end.
It's called psycho-skankitis
I think she was sad and unloved and she was jealous of everything that Slvie and the mom had. Sylvie had the love of a mother and a father, plus everything she could possibly ever want frim the material perspective. THe mom had a husband and a daughter who both loved her even though she was very ill and sometimes mean acting.
Ivy wanted all of that for herself, but being a realist or a defeatist, she could see no way of obtaining it for herself, so she tried to take it as each moment arose.
She got between Sylvie and her mom, Sylvie and her dog. She moved in to the big prestigious house, got rides home in the Mercedes. she moved in the on the father/husband in the only way she knew how.
Is it a pathology? Perhaps, but is it a pathology that could happen to any of us? I believe so given the right circumstances of misfortune. I felt for her on some level.
wine is sunlight held together by water
I mean, it's possible she had a mental illness, but it was clear that she was jealous of the family life Sylvie had. And there is that conversation where the girls discuss why Ivy dresses 'sexy'; because her father seemed to care more about the girls in Hustler than he did for his own daughter.
shareIt's one thing envying someone because they have a loving family and nice material possesions and wanting that for oneself, but killing someone is a whole other ball game.
shareWell, in the scene it was like she sort of thought of it, then didn't wnat to do it, then it's like she sort of pushed the mom, almost as if to just see what would happen. This in the sense that, Ivy seemed hesitant to actually kill her. After all she just barely pushed the mom on the back. If Ivy had been over the top, she would have like shoved the mom like as hard as she could, but she didn't. Ivy seemed timid, sort of afaraid of actually doing it?
Then she thought about helping her, she reached out and grabbed the mom and held onto her, again showing actually her reticence(sp) with the situation.
So it's not like she was actually completly in control of all of her faculties at the time, she was afraid of it all.
wine is sunlight held together by water
I don't know all the psycology behind it. One thing I noticed is Ivy was obsessed with death and suicide. She was drawn to Sylvie and her family because of this. Ivy herself wanted to die but also she didn't want to die alone and wanted Sylvie to join her.
shareExcellent point movieperson113 I very much agree . Thanks .
Terrible upbringing (like someone mentioned), limited social identity, low self esteem (or maybe not, she seemed to think high of herself sexually, no?), definitely had dependency and abandonment issues to the extreme.
I agree she probably had a bad upbringing. This can contribute to someone having sociopathic characteristics like Ivy had.
shareShe was most likely a Sociopath.
shareI agree with a couple of the posts above, especially the one related to death, the one thing i did not get was she was so sexual to everyone around her. It took all but one car ride home to get the husbands motor running, the daughter, the tattoo, guy and that just what they showed. It looked like she was experienced, but where and how would she have learned this behavior, Remember she was only 15 years old.
shareI think she was so sexual because she just wanted to be liked/admired/accepted, and unfortunately her childhood experience taught her that you have to be seductive to get whatever you need. Apparently, even her dad would'nt notice her unless she dressed sexy. Plus, she obviously was aware of her own bewitching beauty and the power that comes with it.
In anycase, I felt really sorry for her. She was just a messed-up kid. She had no idea what a good father is, thats why she could'nt relate to the Tom Skeritt character normally.
I'm sure she had something wrong with her, but the character is also dramatized.
Ivy had the skill to manipulate people and getting what she wanted. She clearly manipulates everyone into thinking she's someone that we, as an audience, don't know if it was really her. we never found out her real name or her background. Just that her friend named her Ivy and then she began to manipulate that family into accepting her and giving her what she wanted.
The challenge of manipulating this people probably reached a point to where she wanted more and to the point where she wanted the woman's life. She kills her and tries to take over her place.
I don't think Ivy knew exactly what she wanted but she liked the ability to control people.
Because we like to watch her punishing this family? :>
But if she had done this in reality (except e.g. the betrayal/murder of Cooper's mother, of course), she'd have been a rather normal person compared to the other main characters.