MovieChat Forums > Pet Sematary II (1992) Discussion > Anybody else LOVE this movie?

Anybody else LOVE this movie?

Okay, I admit it's not perfect, but I thought this movie was at times sad, creepy, and even quite funny. The soundtrack was excellent and the twisted humor was handled marvelously. All in all, This is one of my favourite horror flicks of the early 90's, and likely the best Stephen King sequel ever filmed.

Anyone else have love for this film?

I'm sellin my soul to the Devil in you



"Capitalism is a dirty business"
"What, like war?"
"Not exactly...."




the movie is great a very underrated sequel

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest movie directors today


I used to have this on video when it first came out,yesterday i saw the double dvd and bought it.I just watched the sequel this morning and i had forgot how good it was,i really enjoyed it.Im gonna do a search for the soundtrack now!

"I mean i just wanted to leave,you know my apartment,meet a nice girl and now ive gotta die for it"


Hell Yeah! Everything in here worked. It was twisted, hilarious and scary!
An excellent follow up to a cult classic!

"Well I Won't back Down...No I Won't Back Down..."


I really enjoyed the film! I thought in parts it was really quite funny, and it was completely gross in parts, and I loved the references to the first film. I thought it showed a real respect for the film and the book, and you've got to admire that!

Plus Gus had a really contagious laugh


I actually liked this one better than the first one. The first one bored me to tears, btu this one was well worth watching IMO.



Gonna necro this thread to say... I totally agree. This was one of the rare horror sequels I've come across that has kept the original theme of the first film. "Death is Better", I think people misinterpreted it when the mother screamed it at the end of the movie. She was twisting it to try and brainwash her son to die with her, while the true moral is that the dead... Needed to stay dead. I also loved how it brought kids into the mix, usually it's a horror taboo to put children in danger. Sure the first Pet Sematary killed off Gage, but he was more of a secondary character.

Oh, and I LOVE the first Pet Sematary just to make things clear. It's my favorite King based movie.



The music in this movie was funny. I want to be chased on a bike with the music playing when Clyde is going after Jeff. You don't see to many movies with Goose/Dr. Mark Greene- Anthony Edwards anymore either so it was cool seeing him in this.




No I didn't love the movie, it's a piece of third-rate garbage and Lambert should feel ashamed.


Totally agree with you, I really don't understand how anyone can prefer this piece of *beep* over the original! :O


No. I'm just glad they stopped here instead of turning out more and more sequels, which would be even worse than this one most likely, if that's possible.

Luther, just shoot that *beep*


I happen to love this movie too, I feel it's very underrated. I found it better than the first one. This one was a lot more exciting and had an eerier feel to it. The first one was okay, but this one kept me more interested. I find it to be one of the creepiest films. Also, it does have a great soundtrack.


I also liked this one more than the first one. The acting was better and there was more athmosphere. Also liked the subtile humor that comes with it

Gus was awesome, and the evil dog looked fantastic. Gave it a 6,5. Pet Sematary I had terrible acting (the main character) and some effects where pretty horrible. Gave it a 5

- If you think I'm a hater, you're wrong. I'm being realistic. You are being ignorant instead
