Yeah, everything falls apart in the last act. I was sort of on board and digging the cheesy "Eerie Indiana" vibe for the first half, and then it veers off and loses all sense of internal logic.
I'm having a hard time following the undead motivation. For a while, it's like they're protecting the people who brought them back. First the dog saves the son from being beat up by the sheriff, then the sheriff saves his son's friend from being bullied. But then the sheriff is seen being evil, so he wipes out his wife and kid, then decides to... what, trick Ed Furlong into bringing back his mother? Create an evergrowing army of the undead?
And the absololute worst part is Ed Furlong's instant descent into EEEEVIILLLLL. Out of nowhere, he turns into this ghoulish Peter Lorre figure, happily standing by as his step mom has her face carved up in the next room. And yet a minute later, he finds out his undead mom was playing him, so suddenly he's a good guy again?
It's like like he was under some sort of mind control, or a dark spell. He was just inexplicably evil for ten minutes, because the screenwriter couldn't think of anything better. And then like that, we're supposed to cheer for him at the end.