Zombie Gus

I don't get it, why did he try to kill his own wife? I can understand him killing the bully but his own wife? He was one twisted zombie.


well...isn't that what zombies do? Kill stuff?? :-)


I don't believe he is a zombie, i believe he is a dead body possessed by the Wendigo as described in the book and more like a Deadite.

You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN-The Joker on Batman TAS


I assumed they came back as twisted versions of themselves ..gus hated the way she mothered the son and that turned into murderous hate when he got bought back


And do you think the Wendigo that soured the ground (which was missing from the movies and was in the book) possessed Gus and the other bodies including Gage? and would you compare the PS dead people to the Deadites?

Kill Whitey-Black Sheep


Agree they come back as more chilled out deadites lol



ANd do you think the Wendigo is a horny creature spirit?

Kill Whitey-Black Sheep

