MovieChat Forums > Passenger 57 (1992) Discussion > my idea for a better ending.

my idea for a better ending.

lets face it: the ending was rather bland. Snipes is kicking Rane at the door and eventually he falls through. woop. cutter had put grenades in his jacket, so what he SHOULD'VE done is(at the open door) have Rane beaten and still hanging. cutter unpins a grenade, stuffs it in Rane's mouth(maybe say a catchy one-liner like "you've just been cut") and roundhouse Rane outta the airplane, causing him to fly and then explode. sounds better and more climactic to me!

They're Coming To Get You, Barbra.....


Your ending does sound a lot more interesting.


thats an awesome idea, you should have directed it


well if I was born in a different year, I would've.

Hunting season is over.


"cutter unpins a grenade, stuffs it in Rane's mouth(maybe say a catchy one-liner like "you've just been cut") and roundhouse Rane outta the airplane"

Or maybe he could have kicked him into a giant fan and said "Nice blowing ya".
Click here to read my scripts!


Why did Cutter take grenades to use on an airplane full of hostages? Sounds like a bad idea. I would've liked to have seen that knife he took get some use, though.

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!


haha i think someone has been watching too much "hard target".
