Was on TV last night...

UK TV that is, i liked it, its one of the better "invisibility" movies that ive seen. despite what some people on these boards are saying i think that chevy chase was good for the role and handled the seriousness well. it was darker humour than im used tio seeing him in but i liked the movie.
sam neill was a quality baddie too!

"Iiii've been sittin on the toiiilet, all the live long day!" - Homer Simpson


I think it is a good story, nicely acted by Chevy Chase and I think the narration helps.


Im sick of closing this Damn Paranormal thing,,,,but anyway the first month of 08, HBO will be playing it often in the US


this movie was on hbo comedy today.it will probably be shown again on other numerous hbo channels.cause i do believe it was on either hbo zone or hbo2.that all depends.this is one great flick.its moves faster than hollow man.which is also a good movie but kevin bacons character keeps on complaining about his situation therefore turning him psychotic.overall he was too arrogant and thats what got the best of him.chevy chases character handles the situation well and is very creative of that.he was one ahead of the bad guys and he made the scenes work well.i wish there were more movies about invisible men.
