Was Bernard Wachs murdered?

On the newspaper, it suggests renowned physicist Bernard Wachs of Magnoscopics died of heart failure after being sequestered by David Jenkins. Did Jenkins murder Bernard Wachs? After all, it was already too much that Wachs knew Halloway existed. If Jenkins murdered Wachs, it would justify Halloway's revenge towards Jenkins further.


Well he actually did not use the needle himself??? but he told his men to,, so he is still guilty in my book.


Yes. Later in the film, Jenkins' superior says when confronting him about being out of control, "You killed Wachs?!" It's never shown, but the clear implication is that he was killed to keep the secret...

This is a rotten way to end it!
This is not the end; you haven't read it yet.
In the Mouth of Madness
