MovieChat Forums > Malcolm X (1992) Discussion > Was he debating Bayard Rustin?

Was he debating Bayard Rustin?

In the scene where Malcolm delivers his "House Negro" monologue in the televised debate, the man he's facing against is billed as Dr. Payson, but he appears to be Dr. Bayard Rustin, perhaps most famous as the author of the "I Have a Dream" speech. I know for a fact that the two debated in a public forum, but was that scene the debate? Did they just change his name to avoid offending viewers or something?


I wondered about that as well, as I know Malcolm debated Bayard in real life.


The gentleman debating with Malcolm on the TV news show was a Dr. Bayson who stated that Malcolm was "a demagogue". Bayard Rustin was part of Dr. MLKs movement. IH and FYI, Bayard Rustin was gay.


grrrrrr typo *Oh* not IH sorry
