MovieChat Forums > Lorenzo's Oil (1993) Discussion > I'm not quite sure I understand the titl...

I'm not quite sure I understand the title.

Today we were watching Lorenzo's Oil in my biology class because of CST (California Standards Test); as my grade (freshman) doesn't take a history course and sophomores and juniors do, they had to take a test on this subject while we had a free period, so our teacher showed us this movie (of course she would, we spent a major portion of this quarter on genetics and genetic diseases). I think I know what the title means but I'm not certain...can someone explain?

I'd greatly appreciate it.

Sometimes I believe in six impossible things before breakfast.


I thought the movie was very, VERY explicative of why it was titled Lorenzo's Oil... The movie was titled so because the parents found a way to slow down the progression of adenoleukodystrophy (ADL) by using certain distilled compounds/oils (long chain, unsaturated fatty acids) from olive oil and rapeseed oil. Because the parents (namely the father, Augusto) discovered it, they patented it and named it after their son who suffered from the disease--thus Lorenzo's Oil.


I really am not being snarky here BUT did you actually watch the film and pay attention to it?
The young boy's name is Lorenzo and the OIL is the refined oil that that scientist invented that was used as medicine to correct the levels of saturated fats in the blood steam.


You have got to be kidding us...

