Do you think that it's possible that there are areas of the human brain that remain "dormant" until they are activated somehow? Do you think Psychic and Psychokinetic powers would be/are possible?
Michael Talbots book The Holographic Universe is an interesting take on psychokinesis. Some of it may seem too much for someone who has not experienced telepathy or near death experiences, but if you are open minded it is a rewarding book and attempts some what to relate quantum physics to strange mental phenomenon. Its a lot less new agey than What The Bleep Do We Know.
Amazing book! I second that. Come in with an open mind, while still retaining your rationality, but the fact is, I believe, we haven't even scratched the surface of what the mind may be capable of.
I was highly skeptical about NDE and out of body experiences, etc, until I had an OOBE one morning. It wasn't a lucid dream, my imagination, or a hallucination. But don't just take anyone's word for it...after the oobe I had some solid direct experience and it shifted my paradigm. Try these things for yourself and see.
It would be ignorant of me to say just because I cannot communicate telepathically that no one else is capable of such things.
Do you think that it's possible that there are areas of the human brain that remain "dormant" until they are activated somehow?
But that's how the brain actually works. And this was the origin of the 10% myth - which is just that, a myth - that goes saying that "humans are using only a small fraction of their brain capacity". The truth is we don't use all of our brain areas at the same time; that would be pointless and outright confusing. But we DO use our whole brain during a longer period of time - there is no secret reservoir for some secret powers.
I guess that answers to your last question as well... reply share
That's one of your basic instincts of "danger" preys are much more sensitive of it. which is why you get the sense to run and feel that you are being watched. Your brain takes a "guess" on unfamiliar areas.
that has never been scientifically documented. The video must have been a fake due to the fact that it would be headline news all over the place if it were true. Come on, you honestly believe that this sort of thing has happened? honestly, come on now, what do you think would happen if this really happened?
front page news all over the place
religious ceremonies
pilgrimages to this guy's house
medicine and psychology would have to be reworked
videos all over the internet
MONTHS AND MONTHS of scientific debate all over universities
research documentation of similar incidents (nothing in science is ever an isolated incident)
weeks of interviews on CNN
at least one "60 minutes" piece
if this thing was real, I dont think that one video in some hard to reach place on the internet would be all that existed of this topic.
~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ i am above the law *check out my other messages*
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio"... "Is a whisper nothing?"
Some day I will understand how to make an intelligent argument to someone like that.
Setting those folks aside, those that if if were proven to them 10 times over, they would still walk away and not believe. Those that believe pro wrestling is real and walking on the moon wasn't, haa.. no... Let's let that folk that argues and fusses and doubts and walks away with simply no clue whatsoever go their way.
Now, to the open minded, yes, I believe. I've had too many personal experiences and seen others to not know. There is the other 90% of the brain waiting to be tapped into. Religion set aside, both Buddha and Christ, amongst many others, were documented to have exhibited many metaphysical abilities. The aforementioned 'type' mentioned will be the 'we didn't make it to the moon', that was a fairy tale whatever type. The native american beliefs accept many things as every day fact, those facts that the "type" will poo poo. The Native American will not waste his time on him.
Telling others about your experiences runs the risk of being called crazy or worse. Often a seeker will dabble in their abilities, once finding them there will lay them back down, one reason is, we're not here to do parlor tricks. Like they said, who wants to be chased by the media? For a discussion of this read, by Richard Bach- Illusion; The Reluctant Messiah.
I like this thought: In all the galaxies, all those 'suns', all those planets, maybe there are species that exist that have evolved differently than us. Or past us perhaps. Maybe they have even one abiltity that we think we don't and do it on a daily basis. We used to not know about electricity, only about 200 years ago, ya know? Once we accept our abilities, focus on them, desire and cultivate them, they become everyday old hat. We have come a very long way in the last 100 years both historically and socially. Socially, women, blacks and even gays have more acceptance than they did only 100 yrs or less ago. Yes, we still have a long way to go, but we've come a long way and shouldn't discount our progress. We can fly, talk or write to someone instantly 1k's of miles away, find an answer to almost anything within a few seconds, float 100 miles per hour in a comfortable vehicle, on and on. The only limit we have is simply our imagination, and our desire. Our mind is much bigger than the universe to top that off.
Yes, Horatio, we have latent abilities that are simply waiting for the desire to be unlocked. Fear of power and turning into lawnmower man, we have turned a blind eye not wanting to wield the immense power available to us. If we do everything with the greatest good for all only in mind, we can comfortably inch our way forward to access our latent abilties. Yes Horatio, there is magic. It is called, the power of believing.
~Thus conscience does make cowards of us all~ ~To be or not to be, that is the question~ ~The lady doth protest too much~ ~Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow~
There is the other 90% of the brain waiting to be tapped into.
This is an urban legend. Humans may be using only ~10% of their brain at a given time, but they will use all of their brains at some point. Different parts of the brain have different functions.
My will is as strong as yours and my kingdom is as have no power over me.
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fun, I like your answer. I believe it's 'faith' that causes all these amazing bits of magic, scientific inventions and/or spiritual means. Our faith makes and keeps things rolling. Everyone believes in something and at the most, we've sold our souls to it.
Anyways, the wisest people admit they know nothing and they are happier that way.
When we wield our abilities to force ourselves on others we become lawn mower man. When we become God that we are, we realize we can do metaphysical things, but as God does not in order to maintain the balance and equilibrium, we learn to allow free will to all. We can have as much good as the greatest good of the whole allows. We're collectively all in this together. Our mind is not only capable of telekinesis, which is a parlor trick, it is capable of much more important worthwhile things than that. We are truly truly only limited by our imagination.
Your brain doesn't work like that. Parts aren't "dormant" exactly, we just don't actively use most of our brain. Most of your brain is dedicated to keeping your body alive.
yeah that's what i have been reading about too. but, when reading some of these posts i realize that it's true! some people actually use only 10% of their brains!
i would imagine if you used 100% of your brain it would probably overheat and die very quickly sorta like a cpu. so it's up to you. live longer stupidly or live shorter smartier. obviously i chose the former.
I don't know about those things, but take dreaming for example. It basically takes sleep to tap into that part of the brain. Where you experience lifelike experiences that exist only in your mind, so yea, I'm sure there are untapped areas of your brain. We just have to find out how to "tap" those areas.
by nogoodalias I don't know about those things, but take dreaming for example. It basically takes sleep to tap into that part of the brain. Where you experience lifelike experiences that exist only in your mind, so yea, I'm sure there are untapped areas of your brain. We just have to find out how to "tap" those areas.That's true. I believe there are untapped areas of the brain, I also believe it can function in a whole different way than we are used to. It's all about finding ways to trigger it.