In some ways similar to 'Eraserhead' by David Lynch
I liked it, and I think that in some ways it is similar to David Lynch's "Eraserhead".
Both movies are about a young man with a strange haircut living alone and having a crazy girlfriend who takes him to a diner with her crazy parents, plots go in different directions from that point but in the end, he ends up with another girl who can understand him better, even though Eraserhead is more symbolic in that matter. Also, the subjects of the movies are similar, being about coming of age of a young man and facing responsibilities of relationship.
There are also some influences of David Lynh's style in "Johnny Suede". Like the strange dream sequences and similar "Twin Peaks"-ish music and overall weirdness. And the girl's "dangerous" photographer boyfriend is probably inspired by Denis Hopper's dangerous boyfriend character from Lynch's "Blue Velvet".
Anyway, a nice movie.