18 years later and Rene Russo didn't age
I suppose she's rich enough where she can use anti-aging technology to keep her looking like she's in her mid-30s (she was 36 or so when she made this movie)...after all, they can shift matter forward in time and perform organic and inorganic consciousness transfers, so they must have some amazing wrinkle cream as well, but didn't it seem odd that the only difference between 1991 Julie and 2009 Julie is better hair, makeup, and clothing? The character was probably in her early 20s in 1991 and pushing 40 by 2009, but I don't think they did a good enough job of making her seem much younger in the beginning. I guess it wouldn't have been too appealing to use makeup to age her so she looked 18 years older than Emilio Estevez.
Just something I noticed...I still liked the movie enough, all things considered.