best part

My favorite part is when Carver is explaining to John the tragedy of being a crack baby.


John Hull: Gerry, I sold drugs, I've watched people die, and I didn't do nothing. I killed people. You lied to me.
Carver: They lied to me, John. How naive can you get, man? What, what, are you so stupid you can't see that? You think I like this? Huh? John, I'm sorry. Huh? It's all *beep* you know. It's all *beep* You know that. I know that.
John Hull: What the *beep* am I gonna do now?
Carver: Hey, you know they're bringing me to Washington? Come along with me, man. We'll go to Washington. We'll have a budget, huh? We'll have some clout, we'll have some...
John Hull: I didn't get into this for that.
Carver: Well, neither did I. But that's all there is. They're the *beep* spoils of war. You might as well enjoy it.
John Hull: Well, if that's all there is, I've been wasting my *beep* time with you. I can get more clout and more money on the street than I can get following your ass to Washington. Know what? This whole *beep* time, I'm a cop pretending to be a drug dealer. I ain't nothing but a drug dealer pretending to be a cop. I ain't gonna pretend no more, Gerry. I quit.

"John Hull:Know what? This whole *beep* time, I'm a cop pretending to be a drug dealer. I ain't nothing but a drug dealer pretending to be a cop."

I think that says all.Definitely the best part!
