MovieChat Forums > Deep Cover (1992) Discussion > Dirty cop + Felix Barbosa

Dirty cop + Felix Barbosa

I didn't really understand the setup scene where Felix wears a wire. Felix is the "informant?" Wasn't Felix above Jason and John Hull on the drug dealer's hierarchy. So he was basically confessing to nab people beneath him? Doesn't make sense. And the dirty cop who met Felix at that boxing ring, was he Felix's partner? I missed what John's narration said.

I guess if he was assoicated with Felix and they were worried about Jason ratting out Felix, it would make sense to kill him, but that whole sting operation seemed strange, especially that they'd be using a pretty prominent "middle manager" drug dealer to nab people lower on the food chain.


Hello Nathanel!
It was quite a while since I last watched Deep Cover and I haven't managed to get a sample of it yet. But I do remember that it had a very good soundtrack. I was wondering if you know the music which is played at the very end of the film, when Felix is leaving the tombstones( I think he was on a graveyard, if I remember correctly), I remember I liked that music very much but I can't get information about it.

Thanks anyway,

From Patrick






The dirty cop said he needed some "busts" or his bosses would start worrying about him.

Felix volunteered to give him Steve, David, and the woman.....and he asked the cop to kill David


Deep Cover-DrDre/snoop


Felix was not an informer, he was working with a dirty cop

The cop was making money taking bribes, but he needed a few arrests to appear legitimate. He was going to force Felix to give up a few lower level dealers for him to arrest.

Felix figure to use that as an opportunity to eliminate a few troublemakers

Can't we all just get along?


Felix was wearing a wire, that makes him an informant. Remember the big scene in the limo and all the cops were watching from the perimeter? If memory serves me, the dirty cop refers to Felix over the radio as the informant during this scene. Felix was an informant for the dirty cop.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.
