MovieChat Forums > The Cutting Edge (1992) Discussion > There's a line I can never make out

There's a line I can never make out

They're in the elevator and he's just been with Lorie Peckarovski (yeah you so know I had to copy and paste anyone could ever spell that full name)and chased Kate. They're arguing and he goes 'were you or were you not engaged to be married until last night?" She goes "that's hardly the point!" He goes "you threw me out of your room!" and I just can't ever make out what she says next... something that ends with '---waited much longer' but honestly they could've dubbed it or had Moira enunciate it or something. It's just totally unintelligible for me. It sounds like 2 sentence halves put together that make no sense so I know I'm not hearing the first part right. Can anybody help?

I know y'all have the dvd. I'm watching it right now :)

Which reminds me, he goes 'don't quit your day job!' after she says nobody can tell her what she 'can and cannot do!' I just don't get that joke in that spot. I mean it's not like she had a 'day job' other than skating...he was a hockey player/constuction guy so it's a good jab to make at him when she does it after he falls on his rump. But I digress...that line. Please! I just end up rewatching the elevator scene trying to catch what Kate says everytime I watch the movie and I drive myself up the wall. I still can't tell even staring at her lips as she says it.


I'm pretty sure she says "Count your lucky stars, she might not've waited much longer"


I think it's something like that now that I listen to it with that in mind. Thanks, at least I have a meaning to attach to it even if the words themselves don't seem clear.

You know on "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" for years as a kid I could've sworn it was 'piggy pudding.' I figured hey, they're old would I know why they called it piggy pudding. Oh and a personal favorite, the 'beast of Stephen' instead of the 'feast of Stephen' for Good King Wenceslas. Yeah I need my hearing checked.


I am more sure she says "Count your blessings, she might not have waited much longer".


The day job thing is just him being sarcastic and throwing her comment back at her.

**Twenty Dollars? I wanted a peanut!**


Re: the "Don't quit your day job..." When he first started skating with her and Pamchenko is saying 'chest back, shoulders down,' etc., he falls over. She turns and says, "Don't quit your day job!" to him. He says it later in the movie when she doesn't want to try the Pamchenko move (the bounce spin with the release). I'll have to see if I can hear that line in the elevator.


are there subtitles on the dvd?


There sure are, and i just finished watching it, but i cant remember what she said. I'm pretty sure it is "count your lucky stars"


One of the pp's was correct. It is "Count your blessings, she might not have waited much longer."


No, this is what is said in that scene:

(Doug chases Kate into the hotel elevator. He's wearing only a bath towel)
Kate: Don't....don't even try it. To think I was coming here to apoligize! Laurie Peckarovski!
Doug: Hey, were you, or were you not engaged to be married up until last night?
Kate: Hardly the point!
Doug: You threw me out of your room!
Kate: Count your blessings! She might not have waited much longer! (she, meaning Laurie)
Doug: That's not how it happened...
Kate: Spare me the details...
Doug: What... from the moment I walked into your rink, you've been treating me like a hired hand. Then one night, you get drunk, and I'm supposed to roll over and thank my lucky stars?!!! Sorry, but I don't downshift that fast!
Kate: Get out of my way!
Doug: No problem! I've been practicing that move for a year and a half!!!
(People laughing at them at the elevator)
Doug: Blind date...


I know this is a very old thread, but ..

You say:

"No, this is what is said in that scene:"

and then you quote a lot of dialog, which includes this part:

"Kate: Count your blessings! She might not have waited much longer!"

Which is almost exactly what I said she said (though my version was slightly more correct, but it was lacking the exclamation point in the end, so we both made a mistake in this one)

We all know there was a 'lucky stars'-part, but Kate never said it, and it wasn't said before the "That's not how it happened"-line. It was a completely different part of their 'discussion' altogether. The whole lucky-stars thing didn't have anything to do with this topic and what the original poster wanted to know.

Just as a reminder, a quote from the original post:

"She goes "that's hardly the point!" He goes "you threw me out of your room!" and I just can't ever make out what she says next... something that ends with '---waited much longer'"

I gave the correct answer. So did 'someone else' here. Of course, so did you - but you pasted the whole scenario here, not JUST the line in question. Still, you seemed to have a problem with my answer, although it was the correct one, and chose to use the word "No" in your message.

Your "no" is an error, mistake, or you not comprehending completely what was being discussed. In any case, it's an invalid "no". It shouldn't exist.

I gave a perfectly correct answer, and someone pointing to me as 'someone', also giving that same answer, was also correct. You then tried to "correct" them - and while some of your dialog is almost accurate (sort of), your "no" is simply wrong, because neither of us were wrong when we answered the question - we were correct.

What I said Kate says, IS exactly what Kate says. How can you say "no" and then attempt to dispute that by proving that I was right by agreeing that that indeed IS what she says? You must be a woman, because only women can be so illogical.

Just because you try to write the whole 'conversation' they had, doesn't mean that the previous answers were wrong. They were correct and exact, and your 'no' is an insult. Just by changing the "No" into a "Yes", would make your whole post more accurate and truthful.

Still, the original poster didn't ask for the -whole- dialog, just for the LINE that I correctly gave him/her. So if anyone should be saying "No", it's me, to you, about your post. Why? Well..

To point out your other mistakes in your post:

- It's Lorie Peckarovski - not Laurie
- It's "apologize", not "apiligize"
- Kate doesn't exactly say what you wrote. She says: "Don't! Don't even try it. Just looking at you makes me sick! To think I was coming to apologize. Lorie Peckarovski!"
- Doug does _NOT_ say "Hey" in the beginning of his sentence about engagement
- Too many commas in Doug's sentence about engagement ("Were you or were you not engaged to be married until last night?")
- Kate says "That's hardly the point!", NOT just "Hardly the point" (listen more carefully, she does almost whisper it, but it's there)
- "Count your blessings" and "she may not have waited for much longer" are not two separate utterances, so they should be separated by a comma, not an exclamation point

After this point you get totally off track and start typing something very different than what was said. Here's how the dialog from then on ACTUALLY goes.

"Count your blessings, she may not have waited much longer!

That's not how it happened.

Spare me the details.

Where the hell do you get off?


This is my fault?

From the first day I walk into your rink you treat me like a hired hand. Then one night you get drunk, I'm supposed to roll over and thank my lucky stars? I'm sorry, I don't downshift that fast!

Get out of my way.

No problem! I've been practicing that move for a year and a half!"

But just to be user-friendly and to help you see the rest of your mistakes (boy, you sure have a lot of them, don't you?), here you go:

- Doug does not say "What", but "Where the he11 do you get off?"
- You are missing Kate's reply, which is "Me?"
- Using three dots is questionable and unnecessary
- Doug actually does say "From the first DAY", not "from the first moment"
- You are missing Doug's reply, which is "This is my fault?"
- There is no "and" after the word "drunk"
- Doug actually says "I'm sorry, I don't downshift that fast" instead of your version "Sorry, but I don't downshift that fast!" (which would have been more lame and out of character for Doug)
- Kate doesn't yell "Get out of my way", but makes it like a statement-type command, so your exclamation point here is wrong

Besides an unnecessarily large amount of exclamation points, the rest of your post is pretty accurate.

Please refrain from saying "no", if you are only going to mess things up and not actually correcting anyone. The correct answer was there, it was almost perfect (only missing the exclamation point), and I am sure it satisfied the original poster - it did answer the original poster's original question. Then you come and say "No", and mess everything up with your mistakes, bad grammar, wrong dialog, non-english words (apiligize is not english) and big amount of exclamation points and did I mention WRONG DIALOG. That's not a correction, that's taking a perfectly good answer and saying it's wrong, and then giving an almost completely wrong answer as a 'correction'. Unbelievable.

Well, maybe you can learn from your mistakes .. I surely have learned a lot.

So, let me sum it up by saying:

NO! That is _NOT_ what was said in the scene! This is:

"Don't! Don't even try it. Just looking at you makes me sick! To think I was coming to apologize. Lorie Peckarovski!

Were you or were you not engaged to be married until last night?

That's hardly the point!

You threw me out of your room!

Count your blessings, she may not have waited much longer!

That's not how it happened.

Spare me the details.

Where the hell do you get off?


This is my fault?

From the first day I walk into your rink you treat me like a hired hand. Then one night you get drunk, I'm supposed to roll over and thank my lucky stars? I'm sorry, I don't downshift that fast!

Get out of my way.

No problem! I've been practicing that move for a year and a half!"


You must be a woman, because only women can be so illogical.

Did you intend to insult all woman or just the person you were responding to?


OMG Avortac, you need a life! :P


avortac, the poster you were beefing about at such length isnt even in the same sub-thread as you. Un-nest it and you will see. Poster ppadegimas began their sub-thread.

And above you in your own sub-thread is poster cope family. They provided the correct quote the OP wanted before you. Lucky cope family didnt tut-tut at you.
