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Under The Morgue: A Message Board For All Things Horror

Several days ago, Under The Morgue: A Place For All Things Horror started its fourth annual Best/Worst Of The Year Awards, focusing on Horror films, books, and more released in 2016. We have well over 200 categories including Worst Ripoff, Best Leading Actress, Best Newcomer To Horror (Writers, Directors, Acting categories within those), Best Makeup Effects, Worst Musical Score, Most Boring Film, Most Overrated Film, Best Slasher Film, Film With The Best Kills, Scariest Film, Best Written Works, Best Adapted Screenplay, Worst Made For TV Film, and many, many more. Right now we are in the submissions stage where people 'write in' the films, actors, directors, songs, novels, short stories, short films, television shows, and so on that they'd like to see end up in the polls. Around March 5th, voting in those polls - which will include everything submitted - will begin and will continue for two weeks. So come to the site and make your voice heard! ;)

Also be sure to check out the thousands of other topics we have, covering Horror films both old and new as well as books, music, TV shows, and more. There's also sections for sharing your own art from novels to short films and fan films to feature length films to artwork and more. We also have a chatbox, PM system, and other features. Join today!

Main Page:
Best/Worst of 2016 Section:
