MovieChat Forums > Bebe's Kids (1992) Discussion > Never understood something......

Never understood something......

Why exactly are we supposed to feel sympathy for these kids and their destructive behaivor?...I mean these kids are literally nothing but little terrorists-in-training--the whole "they don't have a daddy" excuse as to why their totally destroying the theme park just never worked for me. I have never liked this movie and the fact that it seems to have been the inspiration for the horrid "Are We There Yet?" flick which has basically the same plot as Bebe's Kids but done as a road movie.

Even if "Are We There Yet?" wasn't inspired by "Bebe's Kids" it was at least a ripoff of Bebe's Kids. Even the kid characters seem nearly exactly alike in attitude.



They don't have a father, and they hardly have a mother. A mother who doesn't even make sure they have food in the house or teach them how to behave like decent human beings. The point is that they're neglected and their behavior is a result of that neglect. Who wouldn't have sympathy for children who live like they do?


Extremely well said, Starry. I felt sorry for them, knowing that the cause of their bad behavior is caused by their mother's neglect.


Yeah, the world would be a better place where bratty kids get away with every thing cause society blames their parents. I see neglected kids in 3rd world countries and those kids are well behaved. They try their best to take care of their siblings by working, cleaning, and feeding their brothers and sisters.

No wonder we're full with good for nothing kids now a days...


The movie makes it clear the kids live in a really tough neighborhood and seeing as how they're left alone so much it's understandable that the influence of their environment would cause them to be destructive but most likely as a means to survive. Although it might just be as others have said, a lack of parental influence and discipline that jades their sense of right and wrong.




I know you wrote this post in 2006, but, I wanted to say I agree with you. As a Counselor, kids are a product of their environment. Kids growing up with, or without parental supervision are going to follow any adult ways, even if it is not their parents. This is a fun comedy movie, but has an underlying theme....put kids first and try to give/show them a happy young life. Thank you for the post. Ken
