Why Isn't Disney Learning More Lessons From Aladdin?
At the time of its release, this was he biggest animated film of all time, and it's still the last non-Pixar Disney film to top the box-office chart for its respective year.
Now, I must say, this isn't one of my personal favourite Disney animated films. It's a little too cartoonish and slapdash for my tastes, at times, although I do appreciate Robin Williams as the Genie.
BUT what Disney *SHOULD* be learning from this film's PHENOMENAL success, is that boys like Disney films too, boys want protagonists they can root for and identify with, and the rags-to-riches/marry a princess fantasy applies to boys just as much as it applies to girls (and yet, Disney keeps pandering to the self-indulgent fantasies of women with Cinderella and Pretty Woman, and such CRAP, ignoring the FACT that many men are poor and working-class too; IN FACT, it's a FACT that MORE MEN are homeless than women, but we never talk about that, do we? *sigh* 🙄)
Stop pandering to would-be princesses, and give us GUYS some wish-fulfilment fantasies (and I'm talking about WORKING-CLASS GUYS here; not spoiled rich boys, who always get *their* twisted Prince Charming to the rescue BULLSHIT and frankly MISOGYNIST fantasies catered to). Have some more animated classics where the poor but plucky working-class lad gets to woe the spoiled but beautiful princess, assuming that's 'allowed' in this era. *sigh* 🙄🤦♂️