my 3 wishes

1.Perfect health
2.perfect success in all that i put my mind to( for example i decide i want to set out and find a beautiful wealthy princess to marry, it will happen, or lets say i decide that i am going to win the mega bucks, it will happen so essentially perfect good luck)

3, for my third wish would be to be the master of 100 other genie's once i summoned the next my first wish would be the freedom of the first genie

this cycle would repeat for eternity


1. The ability to fly
2. $1,000,000,000,000
3. Bigger penis


1. Wolverine's healing factor which would come from my blood.
2. That anyone who gets my blood which gives me that would get the healing factor too.
3. Wish the Genie free.

Green Goblin is great!


I was 5 years old when I first saw this movie, and my dad asked me what my 3 wishes would be. I still haven't thought of anything better than what my response was:

1) Anything I want;
2) Anytime I want it;
3) Anywhere I want it.

Phrase it however necessary.

This is not cheating within the movie universe. It's not asking for more wishes, but rather sustainable power (similar to Jafar being given power to do things outside of wishes, prior to wanting absolute genie power). Although perhaps Jafar wishing to be the most powerful sorcerer in the world achieves the same thing in one wish, but I like to cover my bases.


1. A nice car
2. A nice house
3. A nice sandwich


#1: To play the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz.
#2: To perform on Broadway in a musical as a big role, not chorus
#3: To live a happy Twilight Bella & Edward life with my wife. And I mean their life after they got married and had Renesmee and defeated the Volturi.


Not sure what my three wishes would be


1 Extreme wealth; enough to buy the Resident Evil Director's Cut mansion

2 Eternal life without aging

3 The biggest arcade/pinball man cave in history.

