Sightings On DVD
Hey fellow sightings fans.
I too would like to see the show brought to DVD, but i don't like the odds of it happening. If it does I have a feeling that it will be released much like the Unsolved Mysteries DVDs, with each one being devoted to a specific subject. That would be a lot less risky for whoever decided to release the DVD since they only have to make maybe 2 or 3 DVD's per set as opposed to 7 or 8 for a whole season. There are a few things that may get the show released though. Numer one being that Henry Winkler had a hand in it and he's always said he really loved the show, and number two beging that the paranormal sells. If they do release the show on DVD in some form I hope they add at least 1 extra feature updating the stories with any new information that came up after the show went off the air.
As for Unexplained Mysteries did anyone notice that Henry Winkler and Ann Daniel were excutive producers on that show as well as sightings? Seems like they just recut sightings footage(removing Tim White completely) and made another show out of it. Not that I'm complaining, since they show a lot of footage from the first two seasons which never aired after fox canceled it in 1993. (only seasons 3 through 5 aired on scifi) Maybe Henry and Ann made the show cause they couldn't get sightings out on DVD so they figured this was the next best thing.
I'm also wondering how many people here recorded the episodes? I have pretty much all of season 3,4, and 5 since they aired on sci-fi so much. I also have some season 1 and 2 episodes(around 8) but not nearly as many as I wish I had. I also have both sightings books and 2 of the videos. (the ghost and UFO reports) The videos are from early in the series while the books are a pretty good round up of the series.