MovieChat Forums > Renegade (1992) Discussion > Unintentionally Funny...

Unintentionally Funny...

Haha that comment is so true, and I laughed my ass off reading it. Haha, Renegade is retarted.


It's what? What public school did YOU go to?


There's something really ironic about somebody calling something retarded while at the same time being unable to spell the world correctly.


"Retarted?" Now that's unintentionally funny. Renegade was a pretty good show for what it was, nothing great, just a diversion for an hour a week. If you want in depth television, subscribe to PBS, after all, they gave Monty Python to the USA.


There's something really ironic about somebody calling something retarded while at the same time being unable to spell the world correctly.

i found the weakest thread ever.. my turn

Next time you're talking up grahmmar you probably should do a spell check.


Grahmmar? That got to be intentional, really. But funny. ;)


haha you loosers cant spel.
reed a book!


Or to correctly spell the WORD. lol And your sentence says he can't spell the word "CORRECTLY". I dooo love irony.


And you can't even spell "do."

This thread is full of iromy!


"It's what? What public school did YOU go to?" Haha

"Enjoy yourself -- every day above ground is a good day."


i found the weakest thread ever.. my turn

Next time you're talking up grahmmar you probably should do a spell check.

That's called a typing error. The location of the letter L on the keyboard is right below the O. Accidentally keying in an extra character is easily done when touch-typing. On the other hand, mistyping "retarded" as "retarted" would be very difficult as both the D and T are located quite far apart and require the use of two different fingers when touch-typing.

Also, next time you're talking about grammar you should probably learn the functionality of a spell check. A spell check isn't going to recognise that, as WORLD is an existing word in the English language.

That really was pretty lame, I must say.


This post is just ridiculous.


But funny, unintentionally or not.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae
