I *beep* hate Allison.

I just started watching this show, I am only on episode 20 of season 1 and I really want to continue but Alison is just a pain to watch. She is so whiny and always having cryptic dramatic reactions to things, and the way she treats Billy and acts about Keith is just straight up obnoxious. I wish she would go away. Also I don't like her voice.


2 things I couldn't stand about Alison-

(1.) Her whisper talking.

(2.) The way her eyes darted all over the place, never really looking anyone in the eyes.


Add to that her little head flip when she would do something wrong, and someone called her out on it.

The fact that none of her actions were her own fault.


If I was Amanda I would've fired her ten times over, but since you're only on episode 20...


Her hair in season 2 is heinous. And she cheated on Billy, she needs to get it together


She's one of the main reasons why I prefer the later seasons of the show as opposed to the earlier ones.


To be fair, Amanda's hair didn't get good until season four when Heather Locklear got her L'Oreal deal.

"I'm worth it" has never been as appropriate.


In season 1, I liked alison, later I did not.


If I was Amanda I would've fired her ten times over, but since you're only on episode 20...

Re-watching the series now, as an employed adult, I’m amazed by how many second—and third and fourth—chances Amanda gives Allison. It’d be one thing if Allison were an ace. Someone who knew her stuff but was going through a hard time. But she sucks. D&D should’ve kept her as a receptionist.


I still think Amanda is much worse


I don’t care for her either. She does slipshod work, treats people unfairly—and has a voice that makes me want to force her to blow her nose.


Why, how dare you. Her pic is in my nose,. And Courtney Thorne-Smith who plays her has gone on to THREE major series after ("Ally MCBeal","According to Jim" and "Two & 1/2 Men") Call back and look me up when YOU have a career.

"And that's SHOWBIZ--kid".-Roxie Hart

PROFILE PICTURE: Courtney Thorne-Smith,1992.


I know! She was almost always late with deadlines. Coming in late. Not showing up for work and not even calling in. Showing up with alcohol on her breath. Getting drunk at company functions.

Then she thinks she has the right to DEMAND her job back? AND threaten to sue for "discriminating against the blind" if she doesn't get her way? Really?
