question about the series finale...
...why was it only an hour long?
every SEASON finale from seasons 2 thru 6 was 2 hours long... so why WOULDN'T Fox approve 2 hours for the final episode of the whole series? I don't get that... the series finale actually COULD hav played out much better as a 2 hour special... the whole plan of Amanda and Peter skipping town and faking their deaths could have been played out in more elaborate detail... and Michael being in on the whole thing could have been a LITTLE more hinted at... same with the whole Jane and Kyle thing and Jane finding out Michael was really the father
I also would have liked to see a return of Jake, Allison, Billy, and Jo because it didn't feel right without a return of past characters... did anyone on the show even TRY to reach out to any of those actors to get them to make a return appearance
I'm just mainly puzzled as to why the series finale only got 1 hour when the finales of just about every season before got 2 hours. Doesn't make sense to me