Francine or Jeannie?

Who would you rather?

if I could place Jeannie's head and boobs on Francine's body, then that would be perfect


Aren't the boobs part of the body? I'm so confused...

Anyway, Jeannie.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


What I am getting at is placing Jeannie's boobs and head on Francine's body, from the boobs down. and Farncine's arms are good too


Hmm, Francine. I find her sexier in a more mature way for some reason and less abrasive personally than Jeannie. But both are very good looking.


Francine, because I think Kathryn Harrold might be the most beautiful woman ever. Can't believe she married that leftist dickhead Lawrence O'Donnell.


Kathryn Harrold is one of the most beautiful women ever, and I'm sorry to hear about who she married.


I agree with Francine (though I have nothing against Jeannie). Imagine if she'd had a half-way attractive hairstyle during her time on Larry Sanders.

Sorry to hear that anyone has the misfortune of being married to Lawrence O'Donnell, though.


Agree about the hairdo. Imagine her with long, straight hair.


Francine! Her top tits are amazing!


Pretty sure those were the only ones she had.


Jeannie. She didn't have enough screen time on the show to be ogled as much as I wanted to. I would have given half my salary for episode that I got to do a love scene with her.....and the more steamy the love scene the more of a cut I would take.


Both, obviously.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


Francine. The character she played wasn't whiney like Jeannie, and I find Harrold more attractive (in spite of the bad hairdo).
