MovieChat Forums > Highlander (1992) Discussion > Really dropped the ball with the spin of...

Really dropped the ball with the spin off.

I liked Amanda well enough but her character worked best as written.A reckless somewhat selfish love interest/sometimes foil for the lead.Also most of her history had already been covered on Highlander so not much play there.

Now Methos on the hand.IMO the most intriguing character on the show.The one character you could never quite figure out because he was always so guarded about who he was.From episode to episode he would shift between coward,hero and completely indifferent.Not to mention 5000 years of barely tapped history to play with.Methos seemed like the obvious choice for the spin off.


I think this is the sentiment of every Highlander fan in existence. And was well known before they even began The Raven series. But I guess the powers that be knew better.


Interesting points.


But utterly missing the point of M-Appeal, that is male appeal. Straight men do not care about Methos. We like Amanda.

Cf. Emma Peele, Mrs. Peele in The Avengers (the original and droll
one, not the Marvel dimwit boyfest).


There were plenty of women fans, too.
They wanted a nonviolent Amanda which didn't work for an immortal character. The show was written poorly and boring.


I would have rather gotten a Methos show. I always found Amanda rather annoying.


amanda had more sex appeal


Yea but as a character her story was played out on Highlander.And Amanda as the hero felt like a complete contradiction to how she was portrayed on Highlander.Sex appeal aside Methos was a far more interesting character.


