MovieChat Forums > Highlander (1992) Discussion > Immortals that u were glad Duncan killed...

Immortals that u were glad Duncan killed...

which immortals who's heads duncan took were u glad he took and why...


Richie, for being an annoying brat throughout the series.

500 years ago on the planet Zeist


Neferteri for being so vindictive and killing Constantine's pretty wife in cold blood. And Consone for pretty much doing the same thing to the dancer's husband and the woman Duncan loved and being a sleaze.

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Canan, or however that's written. He had the most awful fashion sense.


Richie, for being an annoying brat throughout the series.

I agree with this. Richie was an intolerable douche. I'm still mad at Joe for saving Richie when Duncan (who was under the power of a Dark Quickening) was about to kill him (Richie).

I don't remember his name, but the one who thrived on killing "seasoned immortals" was one I was glad to see go.

The jerk who used the dogs had to go, too. I was very glad to see Duncan whack him. I was glad to see him kill Luther, especially since Luther killed Rebecca (whose husband, BTW, was a coward, a jerk and nobody worth laying her life down for).

I was glad Duncan killed the blond jerk who was being helped by one of the watchers, although I wish they would have shown us the fight. And of course, there was one young blond kid and his teacher, the kid's name was Kagan, can't remember the name of the teacher, they were the ones who robbed the bank Duncan was in.

But I think the one I was happiest to see die I was that jerk who used young female immortals. That guy was a smarmy ass and I actually clapped watching him lose his head.


the guy who killed seasoned immortals was Martin Hyde

the guy with the dogs was Peter Kanis

the blond guy with the watcher friend was Michael Christian


were the 2 robbers u are thinking of

& Axel was the jerk who used young female immortals


Thanks for this, much appreciated.





Amanda. I know that this never happened but I always felt that her character ruined the show and Duncan's sense of decency. It would have been awesome if Duncan during his dark quickening had "accidentally" sliced her head off.


I'll put it the other way. The one immortal I wish he didn't have to kill, even tho he killed his girlfriend and Tessa witnessed it, if he'd never come to the gallery looking for Tessa, Duncan may not have ever found out about him, thus feeling duty bound to take him on for killing "his woman".

*Amarillo* --Euripides? Eumenides!

