MovieChat Forums > Highlander (1992) Discussion > Did anyone like Highlander The Source?

Did anyone like Highlander The Source?

I loved the TV Series but hated this movie as I think it killed any chance of a further instalment of Duncan Mccleods films.I wish they had kept the storyline in the present day instead of the future.Also I wasn't a fan of them killing Joe Dawson off.


i always enjoy the first 15 minutes of the film. after that its all downhill. the movie wasnt finished so we didnt even get a proper ending. though the fan edits tried to give a conclusion.

in the original cut of the film, i thought Joe's death was very touching. i love the line Duncan says in tears, "you were the father that never kicked me out".

other than that i think just seeing Methos and Joe and Duncan was where i was content enough. the russian trailer for the film that i kept watching just before i ordered it, really made the movie seem like it was going to be this dark epic sci-fi flick. what i wound up with was the opposite >_<

if i had the actors at my disposal, id be able to come up with a far better Highlander adventure on the cheap. i dont even need a budget. just get me the actors.


Well, I was happy to have Duncan, Joe and Methos back but ... no. Let's face it, The Source was bad as bad can be. :(( I don't get why they can't get the movies right .. Or why they always insist on the final Game plot. It's not why people watched the series (seeing Duncan be the last immortal standing) but in order to go on his adventures with him and meet other interesting immortals along the way ... At least, that's why I watched ...

ask the spokesperson, I don't have a brain


Nope not really, only a few sections I watch for, (and you'll notice a definite pattern):

1) Methos arriving at the monastery in his leather and motorcycle.
2) Methos giving that line to Giovanni: "You know Giovanni...I saw Christ...I saw Him Preach and I saw Him Heal. And you, you self centered *** are no Christian."
3)Methos striding down that hallway at the beginning with purpose.
4) Methos's look when Giovanni mentioned the Gift that all immortals have been given.

Yes, even though you noticed the pattern, I am a Methos "fangirl" and proud of it!


It was an absolute crime that Methos wasn't given the spin off show instead of them making Highlander The Raven.

So it's treason then!


I hated the apocalypse future, Killing Joe and making it look as if Methos was killed. 1st they barely acknowledge Joe and Methos and then they use it just to kill them off.

1 Good
2 WTF! Are they smoking or taking?! Directors cut was better but not much
3 Better but too much Peebles tongue action
4 Total music video in which even Connor let alone Joe and Methos didn't have much to do with Duncan
5 Read 2


yeah the 'apocalyptic future' being (based on Joe still looking pretty much the same) within what 10 years Tops after the events of Endgame just felt forced to me.. either Bite the Bullet and Kill Joe off Via old age pre-film, maybe use Byrnes in flashbacks.. or find a way to set it in a 'real world' logically close to the world we know from the series

-- bad writing aside it's no coincidence that the 'red headed step children of the franchise' are also the ones that are set in crap sack Futures


believe it or not it turned out better than i was expecting lol that's not to say it was a good film in any way but i was expecting much much worse and that is sad to think my expectations for this movie was that low .it was after seeing the trailer i was like wow that looks so bad but never the less i imported the russon dvd and watched the mess and was like well that was one of the most missed opportunitys of a franchise iv ever seen this and 2 are in the same league only 2 at least had nice set design

but despite that i was expecting it to be even worse than it turned out

you will have to forgive the lack of full stops lack of proper spelling im dyslexic but not stupid


It's baffling how the tv show could be so good, but all of the highlander movies are absolutely wretched. (the first one and Endgame were both ok, i suppose, but still not nearly as good as the tv show.)


This movie was worse than Highlander 2 and given how bad a movie that not something I say lightly.

The television series became less and less compelling the moment the producers decided to over glorify Duncan at the expense of the other characters.

It was only made worse by Endgame in which they completely destroyed Connor in order to further propel Duncan as the true hero of the mythos.



No, nobody liked Highlander: The Source.
