Batman TAS episodes rated
I'm making a list rating every Batman TAS episode, thought it might be interesting to post it here and hear some other opinions!
1. On Leather Wings: 7/10
I love the animation, the actions scenes are all awesome, and the voice cast is just as good as it'd be later on. However, the episode lacks the excellent characterisation the series would later have, and Man-Bat is a pretty boring villain, though it makes sense to start with him so Batman could be the focus of the first episode without being overshadowed.
2. Christmas With The Joker: 5/10
I was honestly going to give it a 4, but Hamill's Joker raises the mark (even if he hasn't fully developed the voice in this ep). I know the episode is beloved by many, but it's let down for me by some pretty hideous animation, lame jokes (the BAT man one made me die inside), and a lack of real characterisation or focus. I still watch it every Christmas though, so I suppose I could call it a guilty pleasure.
3. Nothing to Fear: 8/10
A major step up for the series, this is the first episode that really gets into Batman's head, and creates some genuinely poignant moments. The scene where Alfred tells Batman he's proud of him particularly gets me in the feels. The 'I am the night' speech also raises the score by a few points alone. Too bad Scarecrow is done terribly in this episode, from the awful, awful mask, to a pretty comedic vocal performance, I'd say he's one of the few misfires TAS had in terms of the main rogues gallery (luckily, Henry Polic would greatly improve in his future episodes, and two revamps the design had were massive improvements!)
4. The Last Laugh 6/10
Has pretty much all the same problems as Christmas With The Joker, but I give it a higher rating thanks to Hamill further perfecting his performance here, and getting much better lines than he did previously (You killed Captain Clown... YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOOOWN!!!!') Zimbalist Jr makes his first appearance here, and it's a shame that his talents are wasted in an episode where Alfred just pulls stupid pranks, and laughs like a loon.
5. Pretty Poison: 7.5/10
Not Dini's best work by any measure, but the dialogue is a real step up from previous episodes, and saves a story that would be pretty uninspired in the hands of another writer. I love the TAS depiction of Ivy, but she's not nearly as endearing here as she would be later, she rants and hams things up far more, and thus reduces her threat. It's great how they set up Harvey Dent here, he comes across as a really lovable guy, and you really feel this friendship between him and Bruce, I kind of wish we had more episodes with him pre-two face, as they'd have made his transformation even more tragic.
6. The Underdwellers: 2/10
One of the few genuinely terrible episodes, with a godawful villain, less stellar voice work than usual from Conroy (in fairness, I don't know how he could've made some of that dialogue good), a weird tacked on gun PSA, and really corny unfunny humour with the kid in Wayne Manor which reduces Alfred to a bumbling buffoon who somehow doesn't know how to deal with children despite raising Bruce!
7. POV: 4/10
I honestly find the high concept of the episode a bit tiresome, and I feel like I've seen it a billion times now. Renee Montoya getting the focus is great, and I like Bullock's telling of the events, but as a whole it's all a bit pedestrian. The moral about teamwork at the end doesn't really make much sense considering that Renee saved the day by going off on her own!
8. The Forgotten: 7/10
I give this episode points for being so utterly different from the rest of the show. An episode set mostly outside of Gotham, with much more Bruce Wayne than Batman, and only a few night scenes? Pretty unique! I have to also give it credit for making the slave workers Bruce befriends genuinely really likeable. The episode loses marks for another uninspired villain (unfortunately this seems to be a constant problem in these early eps), and a slightly dull feel in the mid-section.
9. Be A Clown: 7/10
This is a really underrated episode in my opinion, sure it has some terrible one liners (time for a little BAT magic!), but the idea of the Joker trying to mold a child into being like him is horrifying (especially knowing what would happen later), and I think this is the first episode where the material quality matches Hamill's performance. Sure he has to pretend to be a party clown for much of the run-time, but there's always a sinister undercurrent, and the moment he reveals his true colours he becomes a force to be reckoned with. The fight between him and Batman is a great set-piece and it's nice to see him get beaten in way that doesn't involve him tripping over! The inclusion of a child character isn't nearly as bad as it could've been, and he comes across as a pretty true to life depiction of a neglected rich kid. He isn't an annoying cliche like we'd be getting in another episode...
10. Two Face Part 1: 10/10
First great episode of the show's run, everything here is pretty much perfect. Harvey Dent is a great, sympathetic character, and you really want him to overcome his issues, his friendship with Bruce (instead of the partnerships with Batman from the comics) adds a personal touch that previous versions of the character lacked. Rupert Thorne is a truly despicable bastard, and seeing him manipulate Dent's problems to his own ends is one of the most anger-inducing moments in the series. When Dent finally becomes Two Face in the end, we can see the show's finally grown into the mature, dark series we remember it as, every time I see it I get chills up my spine. The animation is some of the best the series has ever had, little touches like Harvey briefly taking on two face's appearance during the psychiatrist scene add a lot. If I have any complain, it's that I feel Grace is a bit of a boring character, it feels like she exists solely to cry and worry over Harvey. There's only so much they could've done I suppose, what with the limited runtime, but if she were a little more fleshed out and identifiable, Dent's transformation would've been even more poignant.
11. Two Face Part 2: 9/10
Not quite as good as part 1, but still a great episode. The main problem I have is that it would've been really interesting seeing Harvey fully become Two Face, adopting his coin gimmick, and accepting his life of crime. However, we skip over all of this and cut to three months later, and as a result it feels like we've missed a lot of his character development. The inferior animation from Part 1 is also jarring, especially if you watch both episode back to back. Luckily, Two Face is a compelling enough character, that he manages to be endearing even with a large chunk of his development missing, his breakdown at the end is uncomfortable to watch and tragic as all hell. His black and white suit is by far my favourite look for the character, and I wonder why it wasn't ever used before. The episode ascends to 'great' status for its genuinely beautiful ending, Batman's hope that Harvey will one day be cured makes me almost instantly forgive the aforementioned problems, even if later episodes with Two Face would piss all over it.
12. It's Never Too Late: 9/10
A compelling character study of mob boss, Arnold Stromwell. The episode is generally not given much attention, but I personally love it to bits! Batman solving a problem through trying to change someone's mind instead of resorting to knuckle-tactics lets us appreciate his more intelligent side, and makes for a nice departure from the usual fare. People complain about the anti-drug PSA scene, but it's pretty brief, and not nearly as jarring as the anti-gun stuff from The Underdwellers.
13. I've Got Batman In My Basement: 0/10
Do I even have to explain why I hate this episode?
14. Heart Of Ice: 13/10
All the quality must have been taken from I've Got Batman In My Basement, and put into this episode. This isn't just the best Batman TAS has to offer, it's one of the greatest episodes in animation history. Mr Freeze's revamped origin adds so much to what had previously been a very boring character, the animation is stellar, voicework amazing all around, and the ending pulls no punches. Whenever I want to introduce people to TAS, this is the episode I show first, it encapsulates everything great about it, and demonstrates why animation as a whole shouldn't be underestimated as a medium that can tell intelligent and thought-provoking stories.
I'll post the rest later on if anyone's interested, for now my fingers are a little tired out.