Quick Question???

The night that BOB spent the night, Anna told her father that the car was at the Marina. Yet when the Good Morning America crew showed up, the car was right there. Was this a mistake?


they could have picked it up that morning before the crew arrived...probably the first thing they did

Check Out The Loon!


The film crew arrived pretty early, 6:30 if I recall. I doubt that anyone went down that early to get the car, so I'd say it's a mistake.

There didn't seem to be any sign of the rain either, if I remember correctly, which prevented Bob from walking home and was pretty heavy.

When I said I wanted to be a comedian, they all laughed at me. Well, they're not laughing now!


Good Morning America got there a little before 7. Leo "attempted" to wake Bob up at 6:30 (remember "the cock-a-doodle doo!!" scene?)... in this scene Anna walks by the room as Leo is shaking Bob, and Leo tells her quickly "Anna go get the car". So the marina would only have to be within a 20-25 minute walking distance... which is feasible. And there doesn't necessarily have to be any flooding or overcast weather in the morning after a rainstorm... the sun can come out quickly.


He tells her to go get the car as he is waking up Bob. She must've gone to go get it.
